Traffic Organization for the rehabilitation of roadways on "Bulgaria" Blvd.

On June 30, 2019 begins repair of the roadways on "Bulgaria" Blvd., which will be carried out in stages.

In the first stage from 30.06.2019 to 04.07.2019, the entry of vehicles is forbidden on the southern roadway of “Bulgaria” Blvd. in the section from “Vitosha” Blvd. to “Pencho Slaveykov” Blvd.

In the second stage from 05.07.2019 to 19.07.2019, the entry of vehicles is forbidden on the southern roadway of “Bulgaria” Blvd. in the section from “Akad. Ivan Ev. Geshov" Blvd. to "Cherni Vrah" Blvd., where the traffic will flow in both directions on the north roadway of the boulevard in the same section.

From 30.06.2019 to 04.07.2019 the routes of bus lines Nos. 76, 204, 304 and 604 are partially changed only in the direction to “Orlov Most” Square, as follows: from "Bulgaria" Blvd., after Secondary Vocational School of Textile and Fashion Design to the left along “Vitosha” Blvd., to the right along "Pencho Slaveykov" Blvd., along “Bulgaria” Blvd. and on their route.

A temporary stop is established at "Pencho Slaveykov" Blvd., after “Vitosha” Blvd., towards "Orlov Most" Square for bus lines Nos. 76, 204, 304 and 604;

From 04.30 hours on 05.07.2019 to 24.00 hours on 19.07.2019 the route of bus line No. 76 is changed only in the direction to r.a. "Gotse Delchev" as follows: from "Bulgaria" Blvd., along "Pencho Slaveykov" Blvd., along "Vitosha" Blvd., to the right along "Byala Cherkva" Str., along “Petko Y. Todorov” Blvd., where buses will stop at all existing bus and tram stops in the changed section of the route.

Partial changes in the routes of bus lines Nos. 76, 204, 304 and 604 in the direction to the National Palace of Culture, as follows: from intersection "Bulgaria" Blvd. – “Acad. Ivan Ev. Geshov" Blvd. -"Petko Y. Todorov" Blvd. along the north roadway of “Bulgaria” Blvd. to the intersection “Bulgaria” Blvd. -"Prof. Fr. Nansen" Str.- “Cherni Vrah” Blvd. and along their route.

A temporary stop is established at “Bulgaria” Blvd. before “Petko Y. Todorov” Blvd. in the direction to the National Palace of Culture for bus lines Nos. 204 and 304.

Bus stops with code 0268 for bus lines № 76, 204, 304 and 604 "Bul. "Acad. Iv. Geshov" at “Bulgaria” Blvd. are closed down in the direction to the National Palace of Culture, as well as bus stops with code 1736 "Secondary Vocational School of Textile and Fashion Design" at “Bulgaria” Blvd in the direction to the National Palace of Culture for lines Nos. 76, 204 and 604.

Map No. 1 – First Stage

Map No. 2 – Second Stage

28.06.19 09:03