The temporary traffic organization in connection with the construction of the subway continues

From 5.08.2019 to 4.12.2019 the entry of vehicles on the western roadway of “Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev” Blvd. between “Silistra” Str. and “Yanko Sakazov” Blvd. is forbidden; the traffic will flow in both directions on the eastern roadway of the boulevard in the same section.

The impound parking lot of the Urban Mobility Center at the central reservation of “Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev” Blvd. is closed.

The traffic will flow one way along “Silistra” Str., between “Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev” Blvd. and “Chamkoriya” Str.

The hourly paid parking places on the eastern roadway of “Evlogi and Hristo Georgiev” Blvd., between “Yanko Sakazov” Blvd. and “Silistra” Str. and on the western roadway of “Prof. Milko Bichev" Str., between "Gen. Danail Nikolaev” Blvd, and “Silistra” Str. are closed.


26.07.19 08:03